Cannabis & Paranoia: What's The Deal?
Anyone who has consumed Cannabis / Marijuana at some point in their life has more then likely experienced or met someone who has experienced paranoia while smoking. Not all consumers will experience this side effect but it’s important to remember that even the most frequent users could potentially set off a paranoia episode.
Paranoia & Side Effects
Paranoia can manifest in many different ways, when referencing cannabis use, typically presents as the inability to trust others, unrelaxed, losing control over ones thoughts & hypervigilance.
Those who have experienced these feelings while smoking also attest to self-conscious reactions & feeling threatened. Once the paranoia becomes noticeable, users frequently report reclusiveness & the want to be antisocial.
How does Cannabis & THC cause Paranoia?
Between a combination of manipulated brain processes & automatic responses, Cannabis (THC) creates a side effect called abnormal salience. Basically, the brains ability to differentiate meaning from one occurrence to the next is affected and leads to misinterpretation of vital information. These abnormal responses are intensified if the person has been recently exposed to genuine fear & anger. THC can also affect the Amygdala by means of our endo-cannabinoid receptors. Larger amounts of consumed THC can overstimulate the Amygdala and lead to extreme bouts of anxiety & fear.
Is there something to help with these Amygdala responses?
CBD has already been found to be an excellent anti-anxiety & anti-inflammatory tool but did you know it can help counter the effects of to much THC? Where THC centric phenotypes tend to play into an increase of these anxiety induced situations, CBD has been clinically found to reduce anxiety & even as a direct means of countering THC. It’s important to remember that everyone reacts differently, and depending on your own body chemistry, could have an extraordinarily different experience compared to a friend. Some people tend to not have any Sativa-anxiety like effects where some others end up being overtly sensitive to even the smallest amounts of THC. Dosage, frequency and potency are very important to keep in mind.
Tips & Tricks for staying “Low”
With Cannabis recently having started pushing THC limits into the 30% range, it’s more important then ever for new smokers to be aware of the potential side effects of these new powerhouse strains. Rule number 1 is start off slow and let your system adjust. Take a toke and wait for the full effects before going all out. If all else fails, know that the THC levels will subside and eventually the paranoia will break. It’s more about making yourself comfortable & not putting yourself into situations that can further stimulate the sensation associated with higher THC level strains.
Sources :
Leafly - Cannabis Paranoia